
数据收集与使用 本应用致力于保护用户隐私,遵循极简数据收集原则。我们仅在必要情况下记录服务使用情况,具体如下:

  1. 数据记录
  2. 用户数据保护 我们不在服务器上存储任何用户请求的具体内容。所有用户交互均为即时处理,不保留持久性记录。
  3. 透明度承诺 我们承诺:
  4. 用户权利 用户有权随时了解其数据处理方式,并可通过 [email protected] 与我们联系。
  5. 政策变更 我们保留随时更新本隐私政策的权利。重大变更将通过应用内通知告知用户。

Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Usage This application is committed to protecting user privacy and follows a minimalist data collection approach. We only record service usage information when absolutely necessary.

  1. Data Logging
  2. User Data Protection We do not store any user request content on our servers. All user interactions are processed immediately without maintaining persistent records.
  3. Transparency Commitment We pledge to:
  4. User Rights Users are entitled to understand their data processing methods and can contact us at [email protected] at any time.
  5. Policy Modifications We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. Significant changes will be communicated through in-app notifications.